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Sriracha Bourbon Salmon Bowl

Recipe uses Sriracha Sauce
Sriracha Sauce
4 servings
Sriracha Bourbon Salmon Bowl
Sriracha Bourbon Salmon Bowl


1/2 cup Bourbon barbecue sauce
Salmon fillet (16 oz)
4 cups Rice pilaf, prepared
2 Tablespoons Sesame seeds
1-1/2 cups Steamed vegetables, prepared


1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.

2. Mix TABASCO® Sriracha Sauce into bourbon barbecue sauce.

3. Glaze salmon filet with Sriracha-bourbon barbecue sauce and bake to desired temperature.

4. Spoon rice pilaf onto serving dish; sprinkle sesame seeds over top.

5. Place salmon over pilaf and serve with steamed vegetables on the side.

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You will need:

Sriracha Sauce

Flavored with oak barrel aged red peppers, our spicy Sriracha Sauce is preservative-free with a rich, bold flavor.

Sriracha Sauce