“Green with Envy” Chicken ’n Ranch Guacamole with Warm Ranch Pita Crisps


Preheat oven to 350°F. Separate each pita bread round into 2 thin rounds. Stack the rounds, cut in half, and cut each half into fourths to form triangular wedges. Spread the wedges smooth side down on a large baking sheet.
Whisk together 1 tablespoon Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dips Mix, 1 tablespoon TABASCO® Garlic Pepper (or 1 teaspoon Original Red), and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Brush mixture on the pita pieces and bake 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Flip the pieces to smooth side up and bake 5 minutes longer or until brown and crispy.
In a serving bowl, mix remaining ingredients, including remaining Hidden Valley® Original Ranch® Dips Mix, remaining tablespoon TABASCO® Garlic Pepper (or teaspoon of Original Red) and remaining tablespoon olive oil until combined. Serve dip with warm pita crisps.